安卓蓝火丁破解 The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation: Imagine a Better New Jersey


蓝火丁破解 by Laura Otten
Boards that put in minimal effort or that were working on the wrong things, like doing management’s job, before the lockdown orders are likely to be the ones who have remained so or have become even more so. Photo by Roy Bisschops Creative Commons

Pennsylvania went into “lockdown” first. Within a week, New Jersey, and New York had followed suit. 

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The conversations kept coming, and have yet to stop. Very quickly, it became apparent that there were two dominant modes of operation for nonprofit boards: stepping up and leaning in or they went (or remained, as they had been) AWOL. 

As recently as last week, I have had more executive directors than I care to count tell me they haven’t heard from a board member, let alone the board president, since this whole thing started. 

What can we learn from the differences between these two responses? 

To start with the obvious, boards that were at the less engaged or disengaged end of the continuum — doing perfunctory things with minimal effort or feeling as though they were working hard but were working on the wrong things such as doing management’s job — before lockdown orders are likely to be the ones who have remained so or to have become even more so. 

The boards in the middle of the engaged spectrum were likely to have remained engaged and/or stepped up their games. 

Thus, it came as no surprise that many of the boards that were working on themselves and that had a higher degree of self-awareness are among those that have stepped up. 

Successful engagement isn’t a switch that can be readily flipped. 

There are lessons to be learned from this experience and others that have transpired over the last several months that can inform the next phase of adjusting to life in a time when a pandemic is a reality. This list of lessons is by no means exhaustive.

  1. Virtual board meetings work.  

Virtual board meetings where everyone has a camera and the camera is turned on so everyone can see one another live work even better.

While I’ve not seen data to support my hypothesis, it goes like this: virtual board meetings are convenient. In pre-COVID-19 days, a 90-minute board meeting easily became at least a two-and-a-half hour chunk of a day between driving to and from, parking, traffic, and parking lot conversations. That’s a big difference. 

Someone with limited resources, such as lack of childcare or transportation, can more easily attend a virtual meeting. Replicate this time commitment for committee meetings, and you can see why some board members might be doing a better job of engaging. 

As an aside, the dynamic of a meeting where 100 percent of participants are attending virtually is very different than a meeting where some are face-to-face and others are attending virtually. Do not equate the two. 

Whenever we move back to being able to have face-to-face gatherings, consider a meeting schedule that is a mixture of face-to-face and all virtual.

  • Board leadership really and truly matters. 

This is no news flash, but leaders make a difference. As Jim Collins put into our lexicon: the right people in the right seats is part of the equation for exceptional organizations. 

The board president who understood their true role and responsibilities and fulfilled them before COVID-19 continues to do so during the COVID-19 pandemic. The failure of board presidents to step up and rally others to step up underscores the lack of care and attention that too many boards bring to the selection of their leaders. 

Choosing a board chair/president should 蓝小灯破解版be about “who” but always about “what.” What are the skills, talents, and attributes that are needed in this position now — in the times in which that person is being elected and for the period of time they will serve? 

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Going forward, don’t just select a person to be board president — identify those assets that are needed to be a superb board president and elect those assets. And, if those assets can’t be found all in one person, elect co-presidents.

  • Board comfort with fiduciary, strategic, and generative governance is essential for successful boards

It is not enough that board members are present at board meetings. Presence ensures neither engagement nor that the right work is taking place. 

It is imperative that boards are doing their work and working in all three modes, moving seamlessly from one to the other as the work demands. 

Many boards operate only in the fiduciary mode, a mode of governance that, essentially, ensures compliance, that boxes are checked: we have the necessary policies, we are reviewing the performance of the executive director; we are approving the budget and looking at financials throughout the year, and so on. When done right, fiduciary mode ensures the status quo, nothing more. 

Strategic governance, a mode too few boards employ, allows for the path forward. The strategic thinking boards may engage in during strategic planning is not strategic governance. Strategic governance is needed throughout the year, and moves the thinking from the simple question of “do we have x?” (fiduciary) to “is X the best way to do Y?” 

Generative governance takes things a step further and opens the door for innovation, moving from “is X the best way to do Y?” to “is Y really the right end goal?”  If ever there were a time for generative governance, it is now.

Unfortunately, a board does not move from operating in one mode to operating in all three overnight. There must be intentional recruitment of board members capable of working in at least two of these three modes and leadership that facilitates board and committee meetings that facilitate the use of the modes that are most needed for each situation. Boards must create a culture that understands and values the contributions and strengths of each mode. This is what makes the difference between being present and being engaged and leaning in. 

As you move to bring on new board members, be mindful of their ability and interest in working in these three modes.

  • Boards must have a culture of philanthropy

There is board member giving and there is a board culture of philanthropy — successful organizations have the latter. 

Philanthropy is a philosophy of life and not a measure of one’s wealth.  Philanthropy — giving/caring that incurs some degree of sacrifice on the part of the giver — is an understanding, a way of life, a core value for many. 

Philanthropists join boards with the desire to share with that organization their time, talents, and treasure, and are surprised when that isn’t the expectation of them and everyone else. 

As with any value, it cannot be legislated, so we must look for it in board candidates. Finding it can be as simple as asking questions that explore their understanding of what philanthropy is, their family experience with philanthropy, their approach to philanthropy. As with anything, what is not said is as informative as what is said.

  • It is imperative that board members deeply understand the work of the organization

Board members can’t help, no matter how much they are trying to lean in, if they don’t truly understand the work of the organization and understand how the mission promises are translated into action. This understanding requires more than reading about it or being told about it. It requires witnessing it. 

Like many of the items above, witnessing it doesn’t happen overnight, but rather over time. It begins with board candidates witnessing the mission in action, some or all, depending upon the nature of an organization. 

It continues with regular witnessing of the mission. Think “Take a Board Member to Work” day, or even half day, along with opportunities to interact with clients — that’s intentionally plural.

But no matter how engaged they are, how well they can jump from generative to fiduciary to strategic, how good board leadership is, and how philanthropic they are, all efforts will easily go astray if they are not grounded in a deep understanding of the work and culture of the organization.

  • A board must lead the organization as it works on DEI

As the top of the organizational chart, a board must model the behavior it expects of the rest of the organization and live the values of the organization. Nowhere is this more important than with diversity, equity, and inclusion. This was exceedingly important before the killing of George Floyd, and now it is an absolute imperative. 

It has always been a best practice that a board be reflective of the constituency it serves, a constituency that is rarely monolithic.  

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This requires that the board take a hard look in the mirror and consider how well it handles new ideas, change, and difference of opinions and perspective. Boards are best served by a civil clash of ideas than acquiescing to follow the leader or the loudest voice. 

In addition, the culture must be free of structural impediments that prevent others from joining. For example, would the giving expectation preclude some people from joining the board? Would the expectation a person know and be in close relationships with wealthy people preclude people from joining the board? Would meeting times make it difficult for a someone employed or a single parent or a parent of young children to attend meetings? Would getting to the meeting location be a challenge for someone dependent upon public transportation? 

Once a board is sure its culture will be inclusive, it must then make sure its recruitment process is inclusive. Instead of looking in current board members’ phones for potential new board members, the board must look in new places, and use new ways, such as tabling at events in the community the organization serves or reaching out to the communities’ civic and faith leaders, or advertising in media outlets that reach different populations.  The options are quite plentiful once the importance of doing things differently is recognized. 

With the possibility of the first item on this list, none of this is a new “ah, ha!”

It may feel new to some because the pandemic and protests brought them out of the shadows. Now that they are called out and named and the pandemic and protests have made visible a clear path forward, it is time to get to work so that your organization can benefit from the best board possible, in good times as well as bad.

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Posted in Board Leadership, COVID-19 pandemic, equity, Technical Assistance | Tagged 安卓蓝火丁破解, COVID-19, Technical Assistance | Leave a comment


Posted on by Tanuja Dehne
Stories of the Pandemic is a collaboration between the Newark Board of Education and Newest Americans, a storytelling project about migration and identity based out of Rutgers University-Newark, created in partnership with Talking Eyes Media. Photo Courtesy Rutgers Center for Migration and the Global City.

As our worlds keep changing, as we grieve what once was, and as uncomfortable truths are revealed and continue to be experienced, there is hope because our shared humanity is being activated.   

The pandemic has laid bare racial health disparities in our systems and policies, leaving behind those without access to funding and aid as a result of geography, race, status, or their intentionally designed invisibility in our institutions. As the protests over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis began to mount, calling for justice for Black lives, many organizations, including the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, made statements condemning racism and white supremacy. For us, it was time for Dodge to take a public, unified, and explicit stand to commit to becoming an anti-racist organization. We are embracing this opportunity to imagine a new future as we live up to this commitment.    

The pandemic has exacerbated longstanding structural inequities in the systems that we all rely on for basic human needs, including food, shelter, healthcare, and education. With curiosity and humility, and in collaboration with community leaders, we seek to understand the intersections of these systemic challenges that perpetuate structural social, racial, and economic injustices. In so doing, we are also determining what role we should play, and how we can share our resources and power to make the greatest impact toward an equitable recovery. 

The pandemic has required us to communicate, engage, and work in new ways — an unexpected bright spot. The inability to be together in person has allowed us to make time to meet and get to know new partners, strengthen relationships, and to think beyond boundaries of past practices and norms. The desire for basic human connection and the permission to check in and ask how people are doing has, in many ways, accelerated relationship building. Our Zoom check-ins with our nonprofit partners and philanthropic peers, affinity group meetings, and webinars have also had a direct impact on how we are responding to the pandemic. 

Over the past two weeks, we announced $3.5 million in new grants, including more than $500,000 in our second round of COVID-19 relief and recovery grants. We also shared that the 云班课 - 用户登录:地址:北京市海淀区上地东路 35 号颐泉汇写字楼 516 室 联系电话:400-008-1078.   

Below are some highlights of our COVID-19 response grants and upcoming programming as we continue to center our work on equity. 

We are focusing immediate cash resources supporting immigrants and undocumented people as well as Black and Latinx people in Newark and beyond burdened by the greatest risk and giving voice and power through storytelling:

We made a $200,000 grant to the New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund to provide cash assistance for undocumented and immigrant individuals and families in New Jersey. While immigrants are big drivers of New Jersey’s economy and many are essential workers, a disproportionate number of immigrant families have not received any federal stimulus support during the COVID-19 crisis and find themselves at higher risk for income, housing, and food insecurity.  Given Dodge’s mission to serve people and communities of color, it was imperative that we provide support during this perilous time. It is also an opportunity for Dodge to learn and collaborate with trusted community leaders and organizations that advocate for immigrant and undocumented rights.   

A $25,000 grant supports the Center for Migration and the Global City at Rutgers-Newark. The Center’s projects provide tools, training, media, production, and platforms for Newark residents and community organizations to share their own stories, conduct their own community-based projects, and to share Newark’s history through digital media projects. In April, the Center launched Stories from the Pandemic, chronicling the nuanced lives of young people in Newark and beyond under quarantine; how our families, friends, and neighborhoods are being impacted by the pandemic; and how our stories can connect us across the globe. The project is a collaboration between Newest Americans, the Center’s storytelling project about migration and identity, and Newark Board of Education created in partnership with Talking Eyes Media. Based in Newark, a city shaped by migration and home to the most diverse university in the nation, the Center’s projects afford a glimpse into the worlds of the newest Americans and a vision of our demographic future.  

We are investing in two collaborative funds serving the arts and local news and information ecosystems:

A $200,000 grant to 蓝小灯破解版newly formed New Jersey Arts and Culture Recovery Fund at the 首页:2021杭州【华侨城芳菲与城】24小时官网简直太!火 ...:2021-5-30 · 首页:2021杭州【华侨城芳菲与城】24小时官网 简直太!火!了!华侨城芳菲与城售楼处电话!详情! 2021-05-30 10:29:29 发布者: 杭州迈通房地产 杭州——华侨城芳菲与城【营销中心】 营销中心电话:400-763-1618转60366 ... supports cash assistance to New Jersey artists and arts organizations for short-term recovery and long-term sustainability. The mission of the New Jersey Arts and Culture Recovery Fund is to ensure the survival and strength of the state’s arts and culture sector during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fund was developed collaboratively by a coalition of arts funders across the state, including the Dodge Foundation, Grunin Foundation, Prudential Foundation, and New Jersey State Council on the Arts. The Fund recognizes that the more than 30,000 arts and culture workers and hundreds of arts organizations in New Jersey, who together generate more than $600 million in annual revenue to the state’s economy, are experiencing catastrophic financial losses as a result of the pandemic, yet are still using their entrepreneurial and innovation skills to play a critical role in the economic recovery in the state.   

A $50,000 grant to the New Jersey Local News Lab Fund at the Community Foundation of New Jersey provides strategic support for journalists of color and people of color media organizations in response to the pandemic. The New Jersey Local News Lab Fund is a collaborative fund that supports people and organizations working to build a more connected, collaborative, and sustainable local news and information ecosystem in New Jersey. The Fund is locally led and is managed by an advisory group made up of local stakeholders, the Dodge Foundation, and Democracy Fund. It is housed at the Community Foundation of New Jersey. In its third year, the New Jersey Local News Lab Fund is focusing its resources to support people of color media organizations and nonprofit organizations whose work tells untold stories and shapes new narratives through a racial lens to bring voice and visibility to communities of color. 

We are also proud to support Sustainable Jersey and Foundation for Education Administration to address the growing mental health crisis and technology gaps in our schools and communities.   

A grant of $50,000 to Sustainable Jersey supports its new Digital Schools Program, a partnership with the New Jersey Department of Education and New Jersey School Boards Association, to provide best practices, technical support, and a certification framework for schools to address the digital divide. 

A $25,000 grant to Foundation for Education Administration supports the Trauma Informed ACES Collaborative for Schools initiative in partnership with the Burke Foundation and the Turrell Fund.   

We also continue to advance our equity work in other Dodge program areas, including Poetry and Technical Assistance programs.

As previously announced, the 2023 Dodge Poetry Festival will be virtual. The Dodge Poetry Festival has always celebrated the great diversity of voices that make up contemporary poetry. A virtual festival allows us to reimagine the Dodge Poetry Festival, expand the Festival community and provide greater access to contemporary poetry and poets to audiences across the globe. We will continue to support diverse poets by also providing relief for COVID-19’s impact on nonprofit organizations that support poets of color, the LGBTQ community, and poets with disabilities. 

Dodge Technical Assistance is designing a “Putting Racial Equity at the Center” capacity building series that will begin with a summer/fall communal reading and three-part discussion of Ibram X. Kendi’s book 蓝小灯破解版. This reading circle will be followed by a sequential five-month anti-racism and anti-oppression learning, adaptation, and applied practice training. Organizational teams will be invited to participate in a learning community focused on understanding structural racism, building empathy through facilitated discourse, and developing action plans for an organizational shift.  

In addition, Dodge created an Equity Framework as a tool to help deepen and facilitate conversations with grantees on how well their work is achieving overall equity and how well that work furthers the equity goals of the Foundation. Over the next few months, the Dodge staff will host a series of webinars to share the Equity Framework with various key stakeholders, including grantees and funding partners.   

While we have made progress on our equity journey, we know we will not be able to undo racism and deeply entrenched systemic and structural impediments in our state and country by ourselves.   

We will continue to listen, learn, engage, and act with partners and communities and to imagine a new way of leveraging and sharing our resources and power. We also know that by leaning into and living our core values, we will be able to imagine a new future and help build an equitable New Jersey.    

Will you join us?


Tanuja Dehne is the President & CEO of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation. Established in 1974, the Dodge Foundation has distributed nearly $500 million in grants and technical support to New Jersey nonprofits, with a focus on the arts, education, the environment, informed communities, and poetry. As a former Dodge Trustee, Tanuja helped shape the foundation’s new strategy, which envisions an equitable New Jersey through creative, engaged, and sustainable communities.


安卓蓝火丁破解 COVID-19 pandemic, equity, President's Message, What We're Learning | Tagged 蓝小灯破解版, 蓝火丁破解, Tanuja Dehne | Leave a comment


蓝火丁破解 by Dodge

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Eleanor Horne to the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation’s Board of Trustees to a four-year term. 

Eleanor Horne is former vice president at Educational Testing Service’s Social Investment Fund.

“I am delighted to join the Dodge Board of Trustees because of its focus on New Jersey, its long-standing commitment to creative, sustainable, and engaged communities, and its focus on equity and inclusion,” Eleanor said. 

Eleanor, of Lawrenceville, serves on several boards, including the Princeton Area Community Foundation, The College of New Jersey, D&R Greenway, and the Lawrence Hopewell Trail. She retired from a 41-year career at Educational Testing Service in 2010, when she was vice president of the company’s Social Investment Fund, which provides financial support to charitable activities in communities in which ETS has offices. 

 “Eleanor is a well-respected and much-admired community volunteer and leader with extensive governance expertise and demonstrated commitment to New Jersey,” said Preston Pinkett III, board chair.   

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Posted on by Dodge Poetry

Every other year since 1986, the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival has often gone off with hardly a discernible hitch. But life, of course, has its twists and turns, and the Festival has prevailed through some really unexpected ones.

Who could forget the Festival in 2004, when a deluge of rain turned the grounds at Duke Farms into a muddy poetry wonderland?

High School Students at the 2004 Dodge Poetry Festival held at Duke Farms.

And you might recall that during our last Festival in 2018, an underground transformer fire in downtown Newark caused the entire Festival footprint to lose power on Saturday evening. We cancelled our programming that night, but resumed first thing Sunday morning!

Now, in the 2023 Festival year, we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic that makes large gatherings like our Festival potentially dangerous for the people we care about so much: our audiences, Festival Poets, Dodge personnel, New Jersey Performing Arts Center staff, and Newark residents who support us as volunteers and site crew.

Some 2018 Festival Poets at dinner. Photo by Alex Towle Photography.

So, how are we adapting to this unexpected turn of events?

This year, we’re going virtual.

A fully-online 2023 Dodge Poetry Festival will stream into homes around the globe this fall. We’ll share readings and conversations, panel talks, performances, and opportunities for you to interact with Festival Poets and other attendees.

The Festival Poets and Academy of American Poets’ Chancellors, announced last fall, will still be joining us, and we’ll be announcing additional poets and performers over the next few months. 

Dodge Poetry Festival 2018 681 Dodge Poetry Festival Newark, New Jersey 10/18-21, 2018 Photo Credit: T Charles Erickson © T Charles Erickson Photography tcepix@comcast.net

In the name of access and equity, live streaming of the 2023 Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival will be offered online at no charge. Performances on-demand will be available to the general public for a nominal subscription fee. Schools and teachers that register in advance will have free full access. We will continue to support diverse poets by also providing relief for COVID-19’s impact on nonprofit organizations that support poets of color, the LGBTQ community, and poets with disabilities.

Representatives from the NJPAC Box Office will be reaching out to current ticket holders in the next few days to issue them a full refund.

NJPAC Box Office staff and volunteers assisting attendees at the 2018 Festival. Photo by Alex Towle Photography.

Over the years, each time a big curveball has come our way, we’ve watched as Festival Poets and attendees, venue partners, and volunteers have responded with graciousness, good humor, and dedication to making something beautiful out of the change in plans. Without a doubt, the poetry community is remarkably resilient and kind.   

We’re sad that we won’t all be together in-person this year, and disappointed that our 10-year anniversary of hosting 蓝火丁破解 won’t take place physically in Newark.

But we’re also excited to expand the Dodge Poetry Festival community and provide greater access to contemporary poetry and poets. As we design the virtual Festival, we will keep at its core everything that makes the Dodge Poetry Festival so special: poetry, community, connection, and heart.

Thanks for making the Festival so special for over 30 years. We can’t wait to see you online this fall.

To stay up to date, please 安卓蓝火丁破解 and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Posted in Poetry, Tidbits | Tagged Poetry 2023 Festival | 1 Comment


Posted on by Dodge

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The meeting marked the transition for Liz from trustee to trustee emerita, a four-year term at Dodge in which trustees continue to be engaged in the work of the Foundation.

Liz Duffy is president of International Schools Services.

Liz joined the Board in 2004 and led it in refreshing its governance structures and policies, most notably establishing term limits, and developing a robust board recruitment strategy.

 “I am retiring from the board because I feel strongly that we need to model good governance,” said Liz, president of International Schools Services, an international nonprofit specializing in starting schools, teacher recruitment, leadership searches, and school supply. “I’m sorry that I’ve reached my term limit because Dodge is on an exciting path forward with a real commitment to creating an equitable New Jersey. It has been a privilege to serve on Dodge’s Board over the past 16 years and to see the impact it’s had by supporting nonprofits throughout the state and helping to build coalitions and programs committed to arts education, sustainability, creativity and the arts, local media, and poetry.”

A lifelong learner with deep experience in education, Liz for many years chaired Dodge’s Education Committee, focusing the Foundation’s attention and funding on arts education. She recently served on the Board’s strategic planning and equity committees.

“Throughout her tenure, we have benefited from Liz’s insightful, intuitive questions and her ability to bring a breadth of perspective — both global and local—to the conversation, which helped the team find solutions in a complex and changing environment,” said Preston Pinkett III, board chair. “Liz consistently brought a clear sense of how Dodge could leverage its relationships, networks, and financial assets to make life better for the people of New Jersey, challenging us — respectfully and with good humor — to be better philanthropists.”

Wendy Liscow, education and technical assistance program director, credited Liz with being both a visionary and tactical thinker.

“Liz fulfilled many of the attributes of great board members, such as her commitment to Dodge’s mission and areas of giving, her skill sets including her background in philanthropy, the nonprofit sector, and education; her willingness to allocate her time and talent to the organization, even while running a school or schools across the globe,” Liscow said. “She is a leader and a follower, enjoys learning new things, she is also a great listener and strong mediator of group discussions, which made her a strong consensus builder.”

红绿蓝黄151PM入手办法简表 - 口袋妖怪专题站-口袋吧 ...:2021-7-23 · 2021-09-23 精灵宝可梦太阳月亮中文官网上线 2021-09-15 口袋妖怪(精灵宝可梦)日月究极异兽曝光 2021-09-15 口袋妖怪超迷宫精灵分布表 2021-09-15 口袋妖怪超迷宫剧情文字攻略 2021-09-15 口袋妖怪超迷宫精灵满级能力值及经验值表 2021-09-15 口袋妖怪超

“This is a bittersweet moment for us,” Tanuja said. “We are grateful for Liz’s integrity and leadership that helped pave the way for the next phase of Dodge’s equity journey.”

Tanuja Dehne, Dodge president and CEO, thanked Liz for her friendship, humor and curiosity which allowed us to navigate through challenging and courageous conversations.    

“This is a bittersweet moment for us,” Tanuja said. “We are grateful for Liz’s integrity and leadership that helped pave the way for the next phase of Dodge’s equity journey and becoming actively anti-racist.” 

蓝火丁官网 News & Announcements, Philanthropy | Tagged Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Philanthropy | Leave a comment


Posted on by Dodge
Art from the DearFrontline.com project on the side of a building.
美国的故事2:革命之火(豆瓣9分作品)-毕蓝-播音张汉平-有 ...:2021-7-11 · 懒人听书下载美国的故事2:革命之火(豆瓣9分作品)收听,毕蓝-播音张汉平。一部被读者追捧7年的美国史,再现美利坚合众国的前世今生,跌宕起伏四百年的美国史。简明而不简单,严谨而不严肃! 一般历史书都只谈及美国二百来年的历史,本书却可追溯到1517年欧洲的宗教改革,弥补了美国建国 ...

The Dodge Q&A series is designed to share what Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation staff are learning and thinking about as they engage with social sector leaders from throughout the state. They’ll also reveal a few things about themselves you might not have known. 

Today we talk to Sharnita Johnson, Arts program director, about the impact of the pandemic on the arts in New Jersey.

Sharnita Johnson is arts program director.

Before we jump into the conversation, how are you navigating the multiple crises we’re experiencing, namely the COVID-19 pandemic and community uprisings demanding justice?

It depends on the day and time. I think we are all experiencing a broad spectrum of emotions these days. As a Black woman, I vacillate between feelings of deep sadness, anger, and sometimes helplessness as I watch my community ravished by COVID19, systemic racism, and oppression. But then I remember I am my ancestors’ wildest dreams, and I get up to do what I can to contribute to the change. 

What is your perspective on how the coronavirus is affecting the arts in New Jersey?  

The magnitude of financial loss experienced by individual artists and arts organizations continue to grow and are becoming economically unsustainable. The financial devastation is likely to cause irreversible damage to many artists and arts organizations.  

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How are arts organizations you are speaking with through your virtual travels, meetings, conversations adapting? 

Despite the challenges, New Jersey arts and culture organizations remain resilient and innovative. Our grantees are moving content online, communicating with constituents and donors differently, getting noticed by people they have never reached before, using technology in new ways and providing education programs for youth and adults. 

Many organizations are prioritizing people over institutions by delaying layoffs, paying out contracts, and in some cases, management at the highest-level are taking pay cuts. 

What’s important to keep in mind right now? 

兰州石化职业技术学院:2021-6-15 · 【中国高校之窗】情系母校——青年校友向兰州石化职业技术学院捐赠防疫物资 2021-06-11 【省教育厅网】兰州石化职业技术学院举办2021年教师教学能力大赛 2021-06-11 【省教育厅网】兰州石化职业技术学院党委理论学习中心组深入学习贯彻习近平总 ...

We know people are consuming the arts at an increased rate during stay-at-home orders. If you have binge-watched anything, danced in your living room at one of  DJ D-Nice’s Club Quarantine regular dance parties or logged onto your favorite national or local dance, theater or music organization’s website to watch a production on the internet, you will know people are deeply engaged with the arts.  

Throughout the state, COVID-19 is requiring arts organizations to get out of their institutions and to become more relevant and accessible to communities. Now is our opportunity to stop thinking about the arts in a narrow frame as we rethink broken systems. This is an opportunity for artists to help us reimagine how we rebuild. They should be at the table to help us engage community, inform how we think about the environment, education and economic recovery.

What are some of the questions you’re asking yourself or talking about with others? 

Some of the questions that keep coming up again and again and for which the field continues to grapple:

  • How can technology be maximized to reach new audiences, and how can organizations monetize its offerings? 
  • How do we support organizations to merge or close gracefully, preserve their legacy, and make their work available to the public? 
  • Where can we turn for additional legal support and consulting?
  • What innovative solutions or partnerships can we forge, perhaps with colleges and universities or libraries, to digitize and/or archive materials and ephemera, video, etc. for continued engagement and for posterity? 
  • How do we center equity in the sector recovery?
  • How do we rebuild a system that is better able to support the sector in times of deep crisis and beyond? 

What are opportunities are you excited by right now? 

Several successful funder convenings by the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers Culture Funders Affinity Group, which I co-chair, resulted in the establishment of the New Jersey Arts and Culture Recovery Fund to support artists and arts organizations impacted by COVID-19.

The Fund was developed  by a steering committee that includes representatives from the Grunin Foundation, NJSCA, The Prudential Foundation, and Dodge. The Grunin Foundation made a lead gift of $250,000. I am proud the Dodge Foundation is making a $200,000 investment.  

We hope the New Jersey Arts and Culture Recovery Fund will provide resources to the arts community now and in the future, as we aspire for it to eventually become an enduring fund that will grow over time.  

What are you reading right now?  

In this episode of Grantmakers in the Arts podcast series Coronavirus Response: Into the Weeds Ruby Lopez Harper, Senior Director, Local Arts Advancement, Americans for the Arts; Brian McGuigan, Program Director, Artist Trust; and Trella Walker, Director, Advisory Services, Head of Social Innovation and Equity Council, Nonprofit Finance Fund, discuss funding practices that center equity and reframe the recovery. 

In a conversation Linda Harrison, president of the Newark Museum, hosted for funders in April, she said the museum that closed as a result of the pandemic won’t be the museum that opens after. That resonated with me, the profound realization that arts organizations, particularly large, mainstream institutions will have to change at an even more rapid pace to remain relevant. She is interviewed in this 安卓蓝火丁破解 with three other museum leaders about the future of museums post pandemic. 

I was honored to be part of the Grantmakers in the Arts 2023 Webinar Series as a panelist on this webinar Coronavirus Response: Building a Future that Reimagines Systems for Justice with colleagues Randy Engstrom, Director, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, Dana Kawaoka-Chen, Executive Director, Justice Funders and Justin Laing, Principal Consultant, Hillombo, LLC. We discussed funders flexibility and trust in response to the pandemic. Funders are more nimble with limited to no requirements for applications, repurposing current grant project awards to general operating support, increasing payouts above the 5% minimum, and centering the experiences of their grantees. This webinar explored what is necessary to re-imagine systems, power and practice as a result of the pandemic and the ongoing crisis of racial inequality. 

What can we do as individuals to support the arts and artists? 

Buy art. Tune into your favorite arts organization’s website and pay for the offerings you want to view. 

If you can, make tax-deductible donations.

Check on your artists friends. Ask them what they are working on, how the pandemic has influenced their work, what do they think they might do differently in their practice? If you know they have lost income, send a gift card to a grocery store or Zelle them some cash if you can.  

日韩漫画_日韩漫画在线漫画 - 豆丁漫画:豆丁漫画提供国内、日本、欧美等地区的漫画。 特极囚犯 我没有罪!!绝不轻言放弃!! 只要活着,一切都还有希望! 陨石撞击近未来都市〝东京〞当年,才3岁的栗田陆成了孤儿,贫穷却坚强活着的他在贫民窟里自立自强地熬过10个年头。

Do you have a question for Dodge staff? Leave it in the comments or send us an email at listening@grdodge.org.

Posted in Arts, Community Building, Dodge Q&A, What We're Learning | Leave a comment


Posted on by Dodge Poetry

On Tuesday, our President & CEO Tanuja Dehne took to the Dodge Blog to state the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation’s commitment to anti-racism and condemnation of white supremacy. You can read her full remarks here.

In addition, Dodge Poetry is sharing just a few videos from our archive that speak to the impact of centuries of systemic violence against black lives.  

日韩漫画_日韩漫画在线漫画 - 豆丁漫画:豆丁漫画提供国内、日本、欧美等地区的漫画。 特极囚犯 我没有罪!!绝不轻言放弃!! 只要活着,一切都还有希望! 陨石撞击近未来都市〝东京〞当年,才3岁的栗田陆成了孤儿,贫穷却坚强活着的他在贫民窟里自立自强地熬过10个年头。

Jericho Brown reads his poem “I Am a Virus” for Dodge Poetry’s “Whose Body?” project, March 2018.
Lucille Clifton reads “What Haunts Him” and “Sorrows” at the 2008 Dodge Poetry Festival.
Rita Dove reads her poems “Canary,” “Teach Us to Number Our Days,” “Cholera,” and “The Spring Cricket” at the 2014 Dodge Poetry Festival.

Posted in Poetry, Poetry Archives, Poets, Tidbits | Leave a comment


Posted on by Tanuja Dehne

红绿蓝黄151PM入手办法简表 - 口袋妖怪专题站-口袋吧 ...:2021-7-23 · 2021-09-23 精灵宝可梦太阳月亮中文官网上线 2021-09-15 口袋妖怪(精灵宝可梦)日月究极异兽曝光 2021-09-15 口袋妖怪超迷宫精灵分布表 2021-09-15 口袋妖怪超迷宫剧情文字攻略 2021-09-15 口袋妖怪超迷宫精灵满级能力值及经验值表 2021-09-15 口袋妖怪超

The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation stands for racial justice, social change, and equity. We condemn violence and oppression in all forms, especially racism and white supremacy.

For more than 400 years, racism has been a pandemic that has infected our systems and institutions with purposefully designed racial inequalities and disparities. At a time when we are already challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, we must continue to bear witness and respond to new attacks and violence against the Black community and call for justice. 

消防界官方网站:2021-6-15 · 消防界官方网站,消防界杂志官方网站;消防界杂志为中国消防行业新媒体第一刊,中国消防科学技术类专业期刊,开设有消防资讯,消防文化,消防安全知识,消防人物,消防论坛等栏目。

Justice for the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery – and the many other Black people who our society fails to protect the way it cares for others – is necessary but not nearly enough.

Despite the heartbreak, grief, and outrage, I am inspired and motivated to action by my colleagues, Trustees, friends, and family who have engaged in courageous conversations with loved ones about race, supported transformative organizations, and protested in cities and communities across the country and right here in our home state.

At the Dodge Foundation, we are channeling our energy and using our power, influence, and voice to publicly commit to prioritize anti-racism in our organization and in our work. Equity is a core value at Dodge, and we believe an equitable New Jersey is only possible when our systems and institutions are free from oppression and reflective of and invested in our Black, Indigenous, and people of color neighbors regardless of their gender, sexuality, religious, and cultural identities. It is clear we must reimagine and rebuild our systems and institutions to ensure that all people and communities have the resources necessary to live quality lives. The recovery from this pandemic must be equitable.

Over the last four-plus years, we have made a lot of progress centering our work on equity, increasing our individual and collective intercultural competency, committing to investing a majority of our resources to support people and communities of color, developing equity theories of change, and getting to the point where becoming actively anti-racist is the next logical phase of our equity journey.

We know that we have a great deal of work ahead of us – beginning with addressing anti-racism within ourselves. This is enduring long-term work that we will approach with commitment, humility, and transparency.  We expect that you will hold us accountable.

We believe New Jersey is resilient and that if we work to build trust in movements invested in and with organizations that have long been committed to undoing racism and that if we continue to negate dominant narratives, everyone in America will benefit.

We call on our philanthropic peers, grantee partners, and others in the social sector in New Jersey and beyond to use their voice, influence, and power to actively undo racism and oppression in their organizations, communities, and the systems in which they operate.

Every journey begins with a single step, and we share below several resources that might help guide you on your own path.

Thank you.


  • Courageous Conversations – Glenn Singleton
  • Critical Race Theory – Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
  • How to be an Anti-Racist  –  Ibram X. Kendi
  • 蓝小灯破解版 – Layla F. Saad
  • Putting Racism on Table Video Series created by the Washington Area Grantmakers
  • 《小冰冰传奇》官方网站-首款动作卡牌手游:2021-6-12 · 《小冰冰传奇》是2021首款动作卡牌手游,玩家可伍收集到Q版的英雄进行培养,游戏特有的掌中微操系统,可伍瞬时释放大招技能,还有技能打断、技能组合等高阶玩法。是英雄,就战起来!
  • Scene on Radio podcast
  • 火蓝刀锋-电视剧-全集高清正版视频-爱奇艺:火蓝刀锋是由张国庆导演,杨志刚,郑凯,赫子铭等主演的中国大陆电视剧,共32集。爱奇艺在线观看《火蓝刀锋》全集高清正版视频。剧情简介:海军某侦查大队招兵,草根渔民蒋小鱼进入了伍残酷训练而著称的“兽营”。在两个守场老侦察兵的带领下,蒋小鱼和同伴伊渐渐树立起“为祖国大海流尽 ...
  • The Half That’s Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism – Edward Baptist
  • The View From Somewhere podcast
  • Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements – Charlene A. Carruthers
Posted in equity, President's Message | 蓝火丁破解


Posted on by 蓝火丁破解
Definitions of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

There is broad acknowledgement that we are living through an unprecedented time. It is a time of crisis. For many of us and our organizations, also a time of trauma. When things are so hard, how could this possibly also be a time to focus on diversity, inclusion and equity concerns – particularly for those of us who have not previously prioritized these things?

I would argue that this is precisely the time – 蓝火丁破解 we are in a time of crisis and disruption – to focus our efforts regarding diversity, inclusion, and equity. Here is why…

By definition, crises are different than problems. A problem is a situation in which we can define the issue and then utilize our existing coping strategies and previously developed methodologies to resolve the challenges we are facing. Many of us as organizational leaders are used to solving problems and might have developed robust organizational practices for doing so. However, a crisis is a situation in which our typical coping strategies are outstripped by circumstances and no longer function to help us respond to the magnitude of the situation.  When the magnitude of a crisis overwhelms us, we experience trauma. Trauma creates inner fragmentation which creates a higher probability of fragmentation that can impact our organizational culture, systems and services.

A frequently used trope when discussing crisis is to invoke the Chinese word for “crisis” which is composed of the two characters signifying “danger” and “opportunity.”

Chinese character for Crisis meaning danger and opportunity

 In the original Chinese, the meaning of the first symbol “蓝小灯破解版 is actually best defined as “danger at a point of juncture.” 

There is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic presents significant dangers to our collective health, our economy, and our community well-being. Stosh Cotler of Bend the Arc likens the pandemic to a tsunami. She reminds us that before a tsunami hits the coastline, all the water recedes. What once was covered, is now exposed – all the muck, the debris and the living things gasping for breath.  When this happens, we can see with startling clarity what was previously obscured for those of us who had the privilege not see or to look away.

Our current juncture danger point is whether we, due to our own trauma or perhaps through the privilege we have of being on higher ground during this tsunami, translate the public health necessity for physical distance into a social distance and compassion gap that leads us to ignore the systemic disparities and inequities that the pandemic has exposed.  

The data is clear that the Covid-19 pandemic is disproportionately impacting black, brown and poor communities. Decades of disinvestment in public health infrastructure and economic and community development, coupled with the warehousing of black and brown bodies in substandard housing, prisons, immigrant detention centers, and close quarter assembly lines (i.e meat packing plants) has resulted in higher infection and death rates. It should be no surprise, if we allow ourselves to see the muck that has the been exposed, that systemic inequities lead to systemic disparities.

In the face of this, the danger is that we hunker down, await a return to “normal,” and wait for the water to flow back, without attending to the things that are now right in front of us.

Conversely, the opportunity of this moment is also significant. One of the lessons I learned when working as a family psychotherapist was never to waste a crisis because opportunities for systemic change emerge in crises that might never come again. In times of crisis, systems are disrupted enough for real change to happen – for people to see and hear things that were invisible to them before, to experiment with new behaviors and ways to show up for each other, and to shift structural aspects of interactions that significantly heal and alter the system. In short, intentionally utilizing the disruptive aspects of a crisis presents an opportunity to accelerate systemic growth and change.

As organizational leaders we know that making organizational change is hard and typically takes a significant period of time to get our systems and services aligned with a new direction. However, we are not in a typical time. We are in a time of disruption that impacts every part of our organizations – where and how we work, how we interact with our constituents, our funding streams, and all of our operations. 

The choice before us is stark. Do we react to this disruption by retrenching in our current organizational culture – in our “just the way we do things around here” way of operating? Or, do we seize the disruptive opportunity this crisis presents to embed our values concerning diversity, inclusion, and equity into our organizational culture and make deep systemic changes that will enable us to respond in more relevant and impactful ways to the pressing needs of our communities? 

Here are a few suggested practices that can support you in making organizational shifts:  

  • Intentionally utilize this time to develop your inclusion muscles. Focus on developing new norms for interpersonal interaction that reinforce connection and caring. Our collective health, well-being, and our lives depend on all of us seeing and experiencing how interdependent our futures are with each other.
  • Practice seeing and naming the disparities embedded in our own policies and practices that contribute to current inequities. We can’t make change until we can expose what was previously unseen. 
  • Practice adapting these policies and practices to more intentionally embed diversity, inclusion, and equity into all that we do. 

Below are some guiding questions to consider as you are taking your next implementation steps:

  • What are the differences that make a difference in our work in the current context? 
  • Of these differences, which of our staff and who among our constituents are currently facing the most disparities and are most marginalized in the midst of this pandemic? How do we hold these staff and constituents at the center of our planning as we move forward?

Given the answers to these questions, what do we keep doing, what do we stop doing, and what do we start doing to take advantage of this crisis to more deeply implement diversity, inclusion, and equity in our organizational culture? 

  • Keep: What has been emerging in the ways we are working now that demonstrate our care, concern, and compassion for each other and our communities? How do we plan for these practices to stick and stay as we move forward? 
  • 蓝火丁破解 What practices are no longer serving us and our mission that we need to sunset during this time? 
  • Start: How can we utilize the disruption to our organizational culture created by the pandemic as an opportunity to reinforce or launch more effective ways to address systemic disparities to achieve more equity for our staff and constituents? 

We and our organizations are being challenged to work differently and adapt to urgent needs and new challenges. Let’s not waste the disruption of this crisis. Let us use it to deepen our commitment to diversity, inclusion and equity and address the disparities and systemic inequities that have been exposed by the pandemic. Together we can heal. Together we can make lasting change. For all of us.

Beth Zemsky, a Dodge Technical Assistance faculty member, is Principal at Zemsky & Associates Consulting, LLC, and a qualified administer of the Intercultural Developmental Inventory (IDI).

Posted in COVID19, Diversity, equity, 蓝火丁破解, Technical Assistance | Leave a comment


Posted on by Dodge Poetry

Eavan Boland was the dream guest for anyone managing a large poetry event. She was gracious and kind with everyone, onstage and backstage, whether signing books, participating in a panel conversation, or being driven to the airport. Whether with Dodge Poetry staff, stage managers, tech crews, students, teachers, poets, caterers, it didn’t matter. She was always the same: considerate, attentive, flexible and unflustered. 

Read her memoirs, A Journey with Two Maps: Becoming a Woman Poet and Object Lessons: The Life of the Woman and the Poet in Our Time to understand that this gentleness toward others came from a place of hard-earned strength. In poetry collections like 安卓蓝火丁破解Against Love PoetryIn a Time of Violence, and A Woman Without a Country, she looked with unwavering intensity at the troubles of her homeland and of our times.

Eavan Boland will be remembered on the page as one of the great poets of our time, and remembered by all of us at Dodge Poetry as one of those great-hearted individuals we are sometimes lucky enough to encounter in our lives. We will miss her.

Posted in Tidbits | Tagged DPF14, DPF20, Poetry, Poets | Leave a comment

Dodge TA: Fiscal and operational strength through COVID-19

Posted on by Hilda Polanco

In these unprecedented times, nonprofit organizations are experiencing many challenges, including sudden changes in service delivery, shifting workforce configurations, and potential losses across multiple revenue streams.

Leaders attempting to navigate this new reality are finding their organization’s financial health and sustainability to be at risk. As you take stock of the situation and begin to chart the course forward for your organization, it is critical to stay mission-focused, care for your community, and ensure effective and responsive leadership. Equally important is a focus on financial management. This includes efforts to:

  • Understand your organization’s current financial position,
  • Identify implications to revenue and expenses, and
  • Manage your cash flow.

Understand your organization’s current financial position

【丁威特官网介绍】丁威特行车记录伈、DVD导航_丁威特 ...:2021-6-14 · 丁威特 R9(顶配版) 产品类型: 智能云镜 产品功能: 语音双控,前后双录,4G车联网,重力感应,蓝牙通话,循环录影,停车监控,轨迹回放 外形设计: 2.5D曲面屏 屏幕尺寸: 8.0英寸 屏幕类型: IPS 产品尺寸: 295*82mm

First understand where you are in terms of net assets, which are resources you’ve accumulated over time that are available for current and future operations. What do you own and how quickly can it be converted to cash? Are your net assets restricted or unrestricted?

The liquid portion of unrestricted net assets, i.e. Liquid Unrestricted Net Assets or “LUNA,” is the most important category to assess. LUNA is the amount of cash, receivables, and liquid investments that an organization has on hand that is not restricted as to timing or donor intent, and the most critical tool available to your organization to weather a crisis. In addition to calculating LUNA, it’s also important to understand funder expectations around restricted net assets. Are you in a position to meet those expectations? If not, is there a possibility the funder may be open to revising the terms of those agreements? 

As you assess your financial position, determine the status of any accounts receivable. Who owes your organization funds? Is it likely they will pay you or not? Communicate with every partner and funder with the goal of getting a realistic understanding of whether that money will be coming in and when to expect it. Accounts payable are also key. To whom do you owe money? Are your vendors offering extensions or forgiveness on bills customers may not be able to pay? Communicate with your vendors, keeping in mind that these may be long-term relationships.

Identify implications to revenue and expenses

Revenue is either earned (e.g., tuition, program fees, ticket sales) or contributed (e.g., donations or grants). For cultural institutions that rely on ticket sales and other fees, understand the revenue implications of a prolonged shutdown. Examine your sources of contributed revenue as well. Now is the time to turn to relationships with existing donors and understand if it’s possible for them to release restrictions on grants, or whether they would consider an emergency grant of unrestricted funds. Think about whether it makes sense to engage your community in new fundraising strategies and what that might look like. In addition, various emergency relief funds—government-funded stimulus packages as well as philanthropic efforts—have been established. Explore how to access these funds and whether your organization qualifies.

Workforce-related expenses, including salaries and benefits, often comprise up to 80 percent of a nonprofit’s expense budget. Think through the options for workforce shifts or reductions, keeping in mind any accrued paid-time-off that may be due employees. As you consider changes to your workforce, think strategically about retaining capacity for post-crisis and apply an equity lens to all decisions. For goods and services other than personnel, understand what costs are fixed over time (e.g., rent and insurance) and which are variable (e.g., supplies and travel) and will be reduced in the short-term as activities are curtailed or moved to virtual.

Once you’ve thought through these basic implications, gather a team of leaders at your organization and create best, moderate and worst case scenarios based on likely revenue. Compare each scenario to projected expenses. If you’re not already set up with a scenario planning tool, this simple Excel template can help you get started.


Now is the time to make sure you’re monitoring your cash flow as precisely as possible. We know many organizations do not have reserves to fall back on, but all have money coming in and out. The ebb and flow of cash projections will tell you when you’ll need to draw on your reserves—if you have them—or when you need to start planning for contingencies. If you’re not yet projecting cash flow, here’s a 【BlueStacks蓝叠安卓模拟器】安卓模拟器_Android模拟器 ...:安卓模拟器哪个好用?安卓模拟器电脑版哪个好?安卓模拟器官方下载去哪里?安卓模拟器电脑玩手机游戏就用BlueStacks蓝叠安卓模拟器,BlueStacks蓝叠安卓模拟器是全球唯一一个拥有核心技术专利的安卓模拟器及引擎,BlueStacks蓝叠安卓模拟器的游戏兼容性和 ... to get you started.

For organizations without sufficient reserves, accessing a credit line or other financing tool is another possible route. But understand that this is debt and you’ll need to have a plan to pay it back. In addition to bridge loans from philanthropy and low-interest loans from community development financial institutions, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is also making loans—some forgivable—available to nonprofits. For information and support related to applying for the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program, access this toolbox of resources.   

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Newark needs info: A digital conversation

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By Brit Harley, WBGO and Mike Rispoli, Free Press

To say that things are different right now in New Jersey is an understatement. The way we do school, food, work and community has shifted dramatically in just a few weeks.

And our communities are hurting. Many of us have lost jobs or have loved ones who have. Some of us have been struck by the coronavirus. All of us are feeling uncertain about the future.

It’s important that we have the news and information we need to stay safe and healthy. And we know there’s a lot of info coming your way and it may feel helpful, overwhelming or frustrating depending on the day or story.

Join WBGO and Free Press for a digital conversation at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21. Register here.

The focus of the call will be discussing the following three questions:

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2. What questions do you need answered to stay safe and healthy?

3. What’s happening in your community right now that shows solutions, resiliency, and creativity?

Feel free to join by video or phone. And please pass this invitation on to others you know.

If you have any questions, email Brit Harley: bharley@wbgo.org or Mike Rispoli: mrispoli@freepress.net

Until then, take care of yourself. Wash your hands. And find moments of joy and pleasure, either alone, six foot away from other people, or somewhere online.

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Posted on by Dodge
Photo courtesy Roxey Ballet

At their first meeting of the year, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Trustees approved $4 million in grants to support New Jersey’s nonprofit sector, including $1 million in COVID-19 relief and response.

第一批角色找回绑定结果公示 _ EVE国服官网_EVE Online ...:2021-6-5 · 尊敬的舰长: 《星战前夜:晨曦》公测角色找回通道第一批审核结果已于5月25日在官网进行 公示,截至6月2日0时,运营团队共定位到6伇异常申请,故暂时冻结了6伇异常申请,并对剩余1644位舰长所在的eve账号执行了绑定操作,最终有1375位舰长绑定成功,269位舰长绑定失败。

“With crisis comes risk and opportunity, and since the realities of the COVID-19 public health crisis have unfolded, Dodge has been focused on opportunity,” Dodge President & CEO Tanuja Dehne said. “We have the opportunity to act swiftly and decisively to provide immediate funding for COVID-19-specific relief, to stabilize the non-profit sectors and systems we helped build, to shape the recovery and close the widening gap of social disparities that this pandemic has shined a glaring light on.”

Dodge Trustees approved 134 grants totaling $4,012,500. A full list of First Round Grants is here.

The Board approved more than $3 million in grants to support nonprofit organizations in Dodge’s arts, education, environment, informed communities, and other program areas. The grants include 36 totaling $1,060,000 in Arts, 12 totaling $387,500 in Education, 23 in $1,055,000 in Environment, three in $125,000 in Informed Communities, and nine totaling $360,000 in other areas.

The majority of grantees were part of Dodge’s regular March grants cycle, and these also included grants to organizations in later cycles that primarily work with and serve people and communities of color and are often at a disadvantage due to historical, institutional, and structural impediments that may be exacerbated because of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Relief and Response grants

The Board approved an additional $1 million in COVID-19 relief and response using funds from the Foundation’s administrative, operating, and unallocated grants budgets specifically to address the public health crisis.

A total of $600,000 was awarded to five pooled funds to support relief efforts aimed at issues and sectors outside of the Foundation’s program areas of focus, such as medical supplies and food and housing insecurity. In making these grants, the Foundation prioritized funds focused on immediate relief, those that have an equity frame that center the most vulnerable and are explicit about their definition, and that include trusted partners with expertise and deep relationships in the geographies and communities they are serving.

Grants to pooled funds include:

  • $300,000 to the New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund
  • $100,000 to Newark United Way
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  • $75,000 to support Trenton initiatives awarded through the Princeton Area Community Foundation
  • $25,000 to support New Jersey dancers through the Coronavirus Dance Relief Fund of Dance NYC

Finally, a total of $400,000 in rapid response and systems impact grants of $5,000 and $10,000, including one $25,000 grant, were awarded to 56 nonprofit organizations to help stabilize their operations, adapt their programming, and respond to the needs of their communities. In making these grants, the Foundation prioritized organizations that are most vulnerable to economic instability, advancing equity, or stewarding a unique cultural asset as well as critical intermediaries and membership, network-support, and advocacy organizations.

Nonprofit organizations that received rapid response and systems impact grants include: 

  • Art Pride New Jersey Foundation, Artworks, Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions, Bayshore Center at Bivalve, Camden City Garden Club, Camden Repertory Theater Community Development Group, Cape May Stage, Center for Community Arts, Center for Environmental Transformation, Center for Nonprofits, Chalkbeat Newark, City Green, Clean Water Fund, coLAB Arts, Nourish NJ, Conservatory of Music and Performing Arts Society, Creative New Jersey, Education Law Center, Foodshed Alliance, Gallery Aferro, GlassRoots, Greater Newark Conservancy, Institute of Music for Children, Ironbound Community Corporation, Isles, Jazz House Kids, Leadership Newark, Lincoln Park Coast Cultural District, Luna Stage, Movement Alliance Project, Millville Development Corporation, Montclair State University Center for Cooperative Media, Morristown Neighborhood House, Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company, Shelterforce, New City Kids, New Jersey Policy Perspective, New Jersey Theatre Alliance, New Jersey Tree Foundation, Newark Arts Council, Newark Arts Council for the Newark Arts Education Roundtable, Newark Public Radio, Newark School of the Arts, Newark Trust for Education, Passage Theatre Company, Paterson Education Fund, Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts, Sister Cities Girlchoir, Stories of Atlantic City, Sustainable Jersey, Teach for America, Trenton Children’s Chorus, Trenton Music Makers, Union City Music Project, Urban League of Essex County, and Wharton Institute for the Performing Arts

In following a pledge of action related to COVID-19, the Foundation expedited its processes and made recommendations through its new equity framework designed with the principle of “Nothing About Us Without Us,” which states that those most affected by and experienced in working on a problem are the best at creating solutions. Dodge has long been committed to providing flexible, general operating support and simplifying its application and reporting requirements. The Foundation also applies a three-year rolling average of the endowment value to determine spending each year so funding in one year doesn’t fall off a cliff.

“The goal of this initial phase of our response is to provide emergency aid to the most vulnerable communities in our state, including people and communities of color,” Dehne said. “The immediate steps we share above are just the beginning of our response. Drawing upon the lessons learned during Superstorm Sandy and best practices in the Disaster Philanthropy Playbook, we have started to strategize on our second and third phase of grantmaking to pivot from relief to an equitable long-term recovery.”  

Posted in Arts, COVID19, Education, Environment, 蓝火丁破解, News & Announcements | 蓝火丁破解

Creative NJ hosts weekly statewide conversations to connect communities in time of crisis

蓝小灯破解版 by Creative New Jersey

At Creative New Jersey, we know the power of keeping networks strong and connected, and we want to help everyone to advance a dialogue around the critical issues facing our communities right now, as well as share timely and accurate information.

There is no more pressing issue in our communities than COVID-19, which in a matter of months has illuminated the many ways that we are all connected and reminds us we still have much work to do to ensure the most marginalized in our communities do not continue to shoulder the brunt of inequities.

That’s why we are supporting each other by connecting virtually and we invite all to join us for Creative NJ Statewide Conversations on Wednesday mornings.

Join these weekly video statewide briefings to connect, support and learn from colleagues in communities around the state:
• Schedule: Every Wednesday from 10am to 11am (through April and May)
• Registration is necessary: Register for the Wednesday ZOOM calls at 10 am

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These are not webinars — these are video conversations with a diverse group of people from all parts of the state. Our featured guest speakers deliver a 10-minute briefing which is then followed by a Q&A with our participants.

On Wednesday, April 15 at 10 a.m., we are joined by Miriam Axel-Lute of Shelterforce, Brit Harley of Newark Public Radio/WBGO, and Stefanie Murray of the Center for Cooperative Media to learn more about local media’s role in informing community, fostering equity, and tips for uncovering local stories in this time of crisis.

Recent panelists included Linda Czipo from The Center for Nonprofits, Joe Palazzolo from NJ Community Capital, and Craig Weinrich from Council of New Jersey Grantmakers.

Video recordings, resources and summaries of each call available on our COVID-19 Response page.
• Download April 1 summary & resource links here (recording coming soon).
• Download April summary & resources links here and view the video recording below.

We know this is a super busy and stressful time for everyone. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with your ideas on how we can continue to foster a more creative, collaborative and inclusive New Jersey during this time of crisis.

We stand in solidarity with you.

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Sustainable Jersey: Towns helping towns

蓝小灯破解版 by 安卓蓝火丁破解

South Jersey Sustainability Mentoring

The COVID-19 crisis reminds us that, unfortunately, sometimes warnings from experts about potential disasters come true. It reminds us that making preparations today to ensure our future wellbeing is time well spent. So much of what we do at Sustainable Jersey is working today to invest in the future by taking steps to build our strength and avoid future disasters.

Currently, we are working with municipal and school green teams and elected officials to connect and share resources virtually. In South Jersey, a group of dedicated volunteers have already been working on strengthening their sustainability network. In 2023, the Tri-County Sustainability Alliance (TriCSA) jumpstarted a program to mentor towns in Burlington, Camden and Gloucester counties that have not achieved Sustainable Jersey certification or have lapsed in their certification.

True to their slogan, “great people implement great ideas,” David Steinberg, a member of the TriCSA, developed the TriCSA Resource Guide that includes a list of what volunteer mentors need to know, common challenges and the local resources available to support sustainability programs. Using the guide, four mentor volunteers from green teams worked with eight muncipalities. The pilot was a success as six muncipalities (Audubon Borough, Chesterfield Township, Gloucester City, Maple Shade Township, Medford Township and Runnemede Borough) were bronze certified in 2023.

Audubon Borough even received the 2023 Sustainable Jersey Rookie of the Year award recognizing their dedication to sustainability efforts. Audubon Mayor John Ward said the borough was pleased for the recognition, and noted, “Special thanks should go to the members of Sustainable Audubon which is a group of dedicated residents pursuing environmental awareness and sustainability within Audubon Borough. Through the hard work of achieving Sustainable Jersey certification, the Borough of Audubon will become a healthy and sustainable community for future generations to enjoy.”

Edward Cohen serves on the Mount Laurel Green Team and is the chair of TriCSA. He explained, “TriCSA is a tremendous group of active community leaders, each of whom are involved in a variety of green efforts. They have always generously shared ideas and resources. It’s a natural extension to help towns new to Sustainable Jersey. When the idea of helping people outside our TriCSA group was presented, many members signed up immediately. Sustainability extends past our town’s borders, or our friend’s town’s borders. Everyone needs to work together to make the needed changes.”

Now with 12 volunteer coaches, whose towns are certified, the TriCSA group is targeting 21 more towns for bronze-level certification, and three municipalities for silver-level certification in their efforts to promote sustainability. In addition to volunteer coaching, TriCSA provides a list of resources to assist local green teams. One list has contact information for the local subject matter experts who are ready to help. The list includes people who specialize in everything from backyard chickens, to urban and community forestry, to energy grid modernization. In addition to individual experts, TriCSA has a comprehensive list of organizations that can assist local green teams in specific areas.

David Steinberg served on Sustainable Haddon Heights and is now working with the Runnemede Green Team. He has a long record of impressive achievements in the sustainability arena; he is a 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee by the International Writers and Artists Association and the recipient of the 2023 Changemaker Award granted by the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters. David said, “I reflected on ways that I could make a difference and it was clear that mentoring Sustainable Jersey municipalities was a good place to make an impact.” He added, “As a group, TriCSA decided that we could strengthen sustainability initiatives in our region if we collaborated. When we share resources, we keep costs down and reduce environmental degradation. I look forward to the ripple effect as these new sustainable towns will continue to do innovative work. We can learn from them and partner on future projects.”

David said, “Now that everyone is working remotely, the need for help and resources is amplified. I spoke to an elected official and he was practically jumping through the telephone line he was so excited to get some help. This year our target is 21 towns to achieve bronze-level Sustainable Jersey certification and for two towns to achieve silver-level certification.” In addition to compiling a list of available grants that green teams can apply for while they are working remotely, David is also hoping to add elected officials to his list of volunteers. He said, “My newest idea is the creation of the E-ORB or the Elected Official Resource Bank. This would include a list of elected officials who are available to reach out to their peers to provide background and encouragement for the towns considering sustainability programs.”

TriCSA is one of ten regional Sustainable Jersey Hubs. Regional Hubs have formed across New Jersey and are comprised of municipal and school green team and environmental commission members, municipal and county representatives and business, community and nonprofit leaders.

If you are interested in getting involved, reach out to one of the active Sustainable Jersey Regional Hubs:

· Atlantic-Cape May Counties Hub

· Sustainable Bergen County Hub

· Sustainable Essex Alliance

· Hunterdon Sustainability Team

· Mercer County Sustainability Coalition


· Ocean County Sustainability Hub

· Somerset County Green Leadership Hub

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· Union County Hub

For more about Sustainable Jersey: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram

Posted in 安卓蓝火丁破解, Sustainable Jersey | 蓝小灯破解版
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  • President’s Message: Imagine a new future
  • Dodge Board welcomes new trustee
  • Going virtual with #DPF20
  • Dodge celebrates Elizabeth Duffy as a visionary and pragmatic trustee who stands for good governance
  • Dodge Q&A: Sharnita Johnson on New Jersey’s arts community through the pandemic
  • “The way anger dwells in a man / Who studies the history of his nation”
  • We cannot be silent: Dodge’s commitment to anti-racism
  • Dodge TA: Implementing diversity, inclusion, and equity during a pandemic
  • Remembering Eavan Boland
  • Dodge TA: Fiscal and operational strength through COVID-19
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